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On a trip to Arizona this summer, specifically to a place called Antelope Canyon, our guide, Reuben, could not have been more positive and enthusiastic. He explained what we were seeing, took delight in taking pictures from angles we’d never imagined, and seemed to genuinely enjoy his job. At the end, he demonstrated how the various layers of rock got formed; I instantly regretted not taking video (though of course my video probably would have ended up being of his feet).

Bosses, coaches and teachers will tell you that having an enthusiastic student/worker is always appreciated. I’m not referring to phony, rah rah hand clapping, or obvious sucking up for the sake of sucking up. Asking thoughtful questions in class; paying close attention when a coach is talking; and acting like you enjoy what you’re doing on a job (hint: smile) – these are examples of heart-warming, free, effective and enthusiastic interactions.

With 100 Reubens, any company could be turned into a monster success. So whether you’re at school or on the job, be a Reuben.